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Protocol from the Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Nordisk Skibsrederforening was held on the 25th May 2016

The Annual General Meeting of Nordisk Skibsrederforening was held at 15:00 hrs. on the 25th May 2016 at the premises of Norwegian Shipowners Association in Oslo. The Chairman of the Board, Terje Sørensen chaired the meeting.

It was confirmed that the meeting had been appropriately notified and was furthermore correctly constituted.

The following two signatories were elected to sign the protocol together with the Chairman:

Sara Gillingham, Western Bulk Chartering AS
Byoungil Kang, Grieg Star Shipping AS

1.  Annual Report 2015

The Annual Report from the Board for 2015 was reviewed. A further statement and comments were provided by Managing Director Karl Even Rygh. The printed report was thereafter approved as the official 2015 Annual Report for the Association.

2.  Financial Statement 2015

The Financial Statement for 2015 was reviewed and commented by Managing Director Karl Even Rygh. The Auditor presented the audit report. The Financial Statement was then approved as the Associations official Financial Statement for 2015.

3.  Guidelines for the Board’s Decisions Regarding Annual Premium

Deputy Managing Director Tor Erik Andreassen held a brief presentation on the proposed changes to the Premium system. The Meeting thereafter adopted the following resolution;

  •  All current net premiums per vessel are maintained and hereafter referred to as the Premium. The concept of the general tariff and individual bonus figure is discarded. There will at the outset be no change to the individual premiums paid.
  • Any general increases as decided by the Board will for the future be applied as a uniform percentage increase on current premiums paid by the member.
  • Performance adjustment of premiums per account/member will be on the basis of accumulated cost of cases versus premiums paid, typically expressed as a Loss Ratio.
  • The annual adjustment of premiums for each account will be the sum of the two preceding items, i.e. any general increase and the performance adjustment.

4.  Elections

The Chairman read the report from the Nominating Committee summarizing their work. Trygve Seglem had tendered his resignation from the Board and Jan Håkon Pettersen could not be re-elected having reached the maximum age limit. The following members of the Board were reelected: Terje Sørensen, Hans Peter Jebsen and Jan Fredrik Meling. Bjørn Sjaastad and Stephan Tschudi-Madsen were elected as new members of the Board. Hans Peter Jebsen was appointed as new Chairman of the Board.

Tore Angervall and Nils P. Dyvik were reelected as members of the Nominating Committee. At the same time Bjørn Sjaastad stepped down from the Nominating Committee. Jan Håkon Pettersen was elected as a new member of the Nominating Committee.

5.  Remuneration for the Board and the Auditor

It was decided to maintain the remuneration to the members of the Board at its present level of NOK 90.000 for the Chairman of the Board and NOK 70.000 for the other members of the Board.

The auditors’ fee for 2015 was confirmed and accepted at NOK 170.000.


All decisions were unanimous.

In line with the protocol of attendees a total of 20760 votes were present at the Meeting from the total of 97056 votes in the association.

The Annual Meeting was then adjourned.